
The paper describing redback is now out. redback_surrogates is a part of redback. If you use redback_surrogate in a scientific publication please cite the redback paper.

More detailed instructions for acknowledgement are provided in the redback documentation.

Using redback_surrogates to evaluate a model

Plenty of redback_surrogates models build on other open-source packages. The appropriate citation if using such models in scientific publication is available as an attribute to the model.

For example,

from redback_surrogates.kilonova_models import kasen_bns_kilonovanet_spectra.prior
import numpy as np

citation = kasen2017.citation

Here citation will be a url to the NASA ads page for the paper describing the model/surrogate. Please cite this paper and the paper describing redback if using this model in a scientific publication. Note that the responsibility of citing the appropriate papers lies with the user.

In several cases, the citation will be redback, in which case, only a citation to redback paper is necessary. Although we recommend periodically checking the citation in the latest redback_surrogates release as some models are often updated.